
Tuesday 30 April 2013

Our Peace..Our Planet..Our Responsibility...

palestine war

How can I write this tittle??
The big question for me too, becauase this tittle I saw in the body of a bus. And I started to think the continue of this titlle.

All of me know that the world now is confront the big problem. Especially environtment problem,war,and poverty problem. I will focus on war problem. I think this world now is unsavety for us, because many country have militery problem. We can say war in Israel-Palestine for a long time and now still haven't a way to finish this problem. Then turbulance in Suriah,Egypt etc. It makes the people all the world feel deep anxious moreover the Iran nuchlear program add to anxiousness to the third world war.
For now we need cooperation for all the world to make peacefulness in the world. This is our planet and we should to keep this planet from destruction. This is our responsibility to prevent the war, to prevent anxiousness people. We can't imagine if the world destroyed because our doing now. We can't see the smile from the children again because these war and these turbulance.
It is our job to save the world from fear,anxious,intimidation and replacace it with smile,happiness, and feel comfort to life in this world.

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